Sunday, July 29, 2012

wedding bouquet

Shape, colour, maybe even fragrance; the writer does not specify, but memories are pictures recaptured in response to some stimulus. And here the widow is tapped and drawn into the peculiar, petals or the scent of a tiger lily to dance a memorable dance , her first dance. If this is any thing like a first love, those of us who have been smitten know, it never leaves you.

Kathy's sharing is of a response to a wedding bouquet, she shows us how the widow draws from her bouquet of experiences this select memory, her first dance. The new bride in the wedding presented, will too, have her first dance after the ceremony and carry with her a bouquet of cherished memories to continue the sequence of occurences. Some things sad, some things happy; memories are like that, specific and custom made and part of that wider wholesomeness.

Edward de Bono says of memories
"A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen."

Notice Kathy opts for the Long Short Long presentation in her haiku but does not stick to the Go-Shichi-Go syallable count

Well done Kathy
gillena cox
Caribbean Kigo Kukai - founder/co ordinator

The theme was wedding bouquet