Saturday, October 6, 2018

World Cup 2018

world cup final
the old couple holding
.--Stella Pierides Neusaess, DE and London, UK

Maybe to a lot of us when we hear World Cup, we think: football, feet, teamshirts, roaring crowds, stadiums pavlions... yes?
To Stella the trigger is endurance and contunity and abiding love. Yes, all of which is necessary; for the next, and the next, and the next World Cup.
In her haiku, Stella attends the macro and zeros in on the micro. In the midst of it all, the hype, the joys, the disappointments, here is a couple "holding hands" [in her phrase, of a most exquisite haiku moment]
And this is what haiku is all about; what most will ignore, the haiku poet arrests.

Well Done Stella

gillena cox; Founder/coordinator-Caribbean Kigo Kukai

The prompt was 'World Cup 2018'. See the details HERE

See the full results HERE