silent night
three little masked magi
watching the stars
--Cezar Florescu
The ennui that is Christmas 2020 is unbelievably sad, yet the creative hope of the determined faithful is remarkably encouraging.
So far as we await the tried and tested vaccine for dealing with this 2020 pandemic.
Our 2020 vision of hope stirs us in ways wonderful; even our decorations reflect our humourat securing victory over pathos.
The mask a physical attempt at flattening the curve in our constraint of social distancing is an icon of wisdom, so why not mask our magi figurines as we laugh in the face of this pandemic overshadow awaiting and celebrating the greater healer of all time born in a manger.
Cezar has copped the trust of fellow kukai players with this haiku of thirteen syllables.His line count remains at 3. He draws us into a remembrance of majesty and love with a touch of new normal added to the reality of seeking and finding healing.
well done Cezar
Review by gillena cox; Founder/coordinator-Caribbean Kigo Kukai