Friday, February 12, 2021

year of the ox 2021

 still chewing

bitter mouthfuls ...

year of the ox

--Lucia Cardillo - Italy

Covid 19, indeed a bitter pill served up to humankind, leaves a nasty taste. So many loved ones have passed on, leaving behind the memory of loss, longing, and the effects of a surprise attack. Yet , life must go on; not as we know it, but in a new normal way.

Each and everyone on this planet has been touched, has been served up a sampling of this bitter medicine. Lucia is therefore, spokesperson for all of us reeling under the sway of this pandemic. And, she does it succinctly in three lines and eleven syllables. the pathos is deeply rooted in the frieze of where we are at, and resonates with the characteristic of the ox, which even if he displays his fierce tantrums at times, also naturally ruminates and mulls over after his feast.

Mono no aware is skillfully wrought in this haiku for it states our position in this pandemic as we bravely face 2021  chewing on the happenings  of last year.

Well Done Lucia

Review by gillena cox; Founder/coordinator-Caribbean Kigo Kukai

View the full results HERE

The prompt for this New Year Kukai  HERE