Wednesday, August 31, 2016

the music invites you in

island parade --
losing myself
in the steel drum
--Paul David Mena

Paul defines for us parameters in Line One. The scenic is left to our imagination to fill in the space. We get to add the people, colours, the sounds and the smells. Then he challenges us in Line Two with his choice of 'losing' taking us along to be absorbed with him into defined territory. In Line Three he awakens us out of our reverie with a particular sound. The music so typical and peculiar to where he has transported us. We can hear with him the music in our minds as we read and i dare say read again this charming little haiku.
He opts for a veer away from the 5-7-5, to the more modern free syllable count. So we are given this experience of his appreciation of an island event and rhythm in 3 lines each carrying four syllables

Well Done Paul

--gillena cox
Caribbean Kigo Kukai - founder/coordinator

haiku prompt the music invites you in
revisit the results of this kukai


  1. It's truly an honor to be winner of the August kukai! The steel drums in the parade is a fond memory from a visit to Bequia a few years back. It was wonderful to "visit" again through haiku.

  2. Thanks for playing and sharing your haiku inspiration with us Paul

    Much love...
