Thursday, April 27, 2017


first touch-
the way a bud welcomes
a butterfly
--Rita Odeh, Haifa/ Israel

There is a child like innocence to this scene, in Rita's haiku. We want to be lost in the flight of a dainty little butterfly
so easily tossed in the breezes and exclaim, Look! as it makes contact.

The colours are left to our imagination, we can therefore imagine our favourite flower and butterfly contact. This is such an ordinary happening, here in the Caribbean, however for those climes where there is Spring, after the Winter months, bringing back the warmth and newness, this is extraordinary, for each seasonal wait for Spring is rewarded.

The lightness of the butterfly in flight and in contact, revels in the haiku aesthetic of Karumi.

Her Line Two, extracts the essence out of this haiku moment, by her expression - "the way". She doesn't explain it; she invites us to tap into our own consciousness, to experience it, and bring to our reading, the Aha between writer and reader.

Well Done Rita!
gillena cox, founder/co-ordinator CKK

The prompt for this kukai was welcome

See the results HERE


  1. Thanks for your feedback which I enjoyed reading, Gillena, especially that the poem left space for the reader to imagine the left details.

    1. Rita, Congratulations on your winning haiku and thanks again for your participation

      Much love...
