Saturday, June 17, 2023


 ashy sky

the bitter colour of

my thoughts

© Mona Iordan, Romania

A haiku ponder, not a happy or joyous moment, because the haijin references  in Line Two, of  bitterness. 

What is it that draws us to the above; our view of a level raised and beyond eye level.

It is a hankering for solace of some kind which allows us more. More than what is, more of what can be, more to aid us and take us beyond.

In this haiku it is a hope for completeness.

Line One "ashy sky;"  this is a vast space in which to place a moment, and within that moment there is emotion drawn from the sky which companions the haijin to her feeling in the moment.

Her outreach is satisfying. She is not alone in her turmoil, there is a vastness which can absorb her, where she can contribute, where she can add her distraught. Where she will find peace.

This connection, i think, is what made this haiku a first place amongst her peers in this kukai.

Well Done Mona

Review by Gillena Cox; founder/coodinator Caribbean Kigo Kukai

View all the haiku HERE 

 View the invitation for this kukai HERE

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