Sunday, June 29, 2014


boy in the puddle
splattering around
his own piece of sky
--Gabriel Sawicki (Poland)

The first word of Gabriel's haiku wields a breaking down effect, lifting years off the reader, reverting the reader to days of childhood. What this era held for us, is in no way debatable or questionable. Why! because as we progress to the Line 3 fragment of his haiku, we grow into his space of wonder. A puddle small enough, to contain the vastness of sky, and the child-like exclusion of everyone else. He makes this little miracle his own. This moment, he captures, he conquers, he owns. It is as large, as he wants it to be and as magical as his child's mind conjours it to be. What freedom, what magnificence, what a great haiku. The players of kukai #51 surely agrees.
Gabriel used the three line form, without placing a caesura, so the pause it left up to the reader; and a 5 - 7- 5 syllable meter is used. As well, Line1 pivots with both Line 2 and Line 3; and can therefore be read as Line1 / Line2, or as Line1 / Line3.

Well done Gabriel
--gillena cox
Caribbean Kigo Kukai - founder/coordinator

The kigo was splatter

Monday, May 26, 2014


kite shop -
entering with every customer
the summer breeze
--Bouwe Brouwer, The Netherlands

What could be more delightful than, a kite in the wind? Held high out our reach, our only connection a fragile string, which the mighty wind in one moody swing could dramatize who's in control and whose not. The bigness and smallness of this scene wrapped in a tag of experience.

Bouwe does not wait for the outdoor experience, but on the instinct of the haiku magician; he conjours this scene of kite haven, bringing in the star of the show 'summer breeze'. A preview, a trialer to the life of this yet un-bought side star, the kite.

I like the play of time in this haiku, the projection of the future with the image of the present wind. There were no comments with the votes for this haiku, which emerged first this time around, yet clearly chosen as the 'highest flyer'.

Well done! Bouwe
--gillena cox
Caribbean Kigo Kukai - founder/coordinator

The Kigo was kite

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

cool down

heated argument...
she nurses her ego
in the shower
--Shloka Shankar Bangalore, India

The intangible hot, and the tangible cooling of the water, here, goes well together. Choice of the word 'ego' in line 2 adding resonance to the haiku phrase. The theme of the kukai is stark and clearly presented, in a simple showing of cause and effect. A 15 syllable account, classic three lines, and a tale well told.
Yet, read at another level, the heat of a hot day can be juxtaposed with the intensity of discord to present a haiku well wrought

Well done Shloka
--gillena cox
Caribbean Kigo Kukai - founder/coordinator

The theme was 'cool down'

Monday, May 19, 2014

music competition

child guitarist -
a mother's hand
behind the curtains
--Ajaya Mahala

incomplete orchestra -
the missing leaves
of the poplar
--Eduard Tara, Romania

neighbour's triplets-
each one an octave higher
than the other
--Yesha Shah, India.

The above three haiku proved to be the crop of CKK #48, chosen above others as the pick for number one placed winner.
How are they similar as winners? what makes them different from the rest? These are some of the questions i entertained a i approached my commentary.
Well for starters, all three crafted juxtaposition into their haiku, there is mystery, there is surprise. There are stories well told in their minimilistic mode, yet each inviting, and allowing the reader to peer deeper into, getting involved with the writer.

We can see that 'child guitarist' we can sense the anxiety, maybe the child's palms are sweaty; and look behind the curtain, where the audience cannot see. We are privy, because of the writer's skill, to see to know, the wonderful comforting hands of the mother are there.

Then lets look too at the mystery of the missing leaves; everyone loves a mystery, when presented with one, immediately we put on our detective hats and head out to collect clues, just like in the case of Eduard's haiku. Is it autumn, the natural time of falling leaves? were those leaves blown off by strong stormy gales? and the haiku's background music plays on, creating just theright atmosphere of drama.

The crescendo of Yesha's haiku, can be aesthetically enjoyd bringing smile to our lips as the picture of these children surely in their natural instinctive mode of infancy, or child's play, or concert performance is quite, appealing; yet enough is given, yt enough space left to wonder

Have we figured out the intrigue of any of these three haiku. What is, and what isn't, plays a serious hand here adding depth to our appreciative reading of these 3 winning haiku.

Well done! Ajaya, Edward and Yesha
--gillena cox
Caribbean Kigo Kukai - founder/coordinator

The Theme was 'music competition'